Sunday, October 17, 2010

The population growth and Tom Brady - What They Have in common

Great Sports Heroes

What do our greatest sports heroes and a high quality growth stock have in common? Our greatest sports heroes have statistical numbers that are always increasing; a high quality growth stock has fundamentals that are increasing. Our greatest sports heroes are leaders on their teams and at their positions. A high quality growth stock is a leader in its industry. Our greatest sports heroes are innovative and raise the standard of how their sport is played. A high quality growth stock usually has come up with some new product, new service, or new management that has become high in demand. In this article we are going to discuss how understanding your greatest sports heroes can make you a superstar of growth stock investing. To show you the similarities we will compare Tom Brady of the New England Patriots to Suntech Power Holdings.

Tom Brady is having the best year of his NFL career in the 2007-2008 season. Why is this? Three new products were brought in which has made his passing game high in demand. With the additions of Randy Moss, Wes Welker, and Donte' Stallworth, Tom Brady has an arsenal of new products to throw to.

With the addition of these three new products, Tom Brady is having a break out year. As of this writing the New England Patriots are 11-0. Let's look at Tom Brady's statistics over the first 6 years of his career since he became a full time starter from 2001-2006:

Passing 2001-06 6 Year Average 2007 Stats

Through 11 games

Quarterback Rating 88.48 127.9

Completion % 61.96 72.4

Interceptions 13.3 4

Touchdowns 24.5 39

The proof is in the statistics. In the year of 2007, Tom Brady had added three new products, wide receivers Randy Moss, Wes Welker and Donte' Stallworth. With these new products, Tom Brady's statistics have improved in every area, and he is currently the leader in the NFL at the quarterback position.

How does this all relate to a high quality growth stock? Well, just like Tom Brady and the New England Patriots, a high quality growth stock will have a new product or service that creates high demand. This in turn helps increase the stocks numbers or statistics, as the numbers and demand increase it shoots the company forward into a leading position among its industry.

So let us view Tom Brady's new product as Randy Moss, Wes Welker and Donte' Stallworth. Tom Brady's quarterback rating, completion%, and touchdowns are a growth stock companies earnings, sales, and profit margins. Tom Brady's quarterback position will represent a growth stock companies industry. Therefore to find a high quality growth stock, we need a company who has a new product or service that has become in demand. We need a company who shows a great increase in earnings, sales, and profit margin (statistics). And we need a company who is a leader in their industry. In our research we have come up with Suntech Power Holdings.

Suntech Power Holdings new product has become in high demand for 2 reasons 1. The growing Chinese economy and 2. The buzz about green energy. Specifically solar energy. You see Suntech Power designs, develops, and manufactures photovoltaic cells and modules. These cells are used in both on-grid and off-grid electricity generation such as; street lamps, telecommunication relay systems, and mobile phone networks. So Suntech Power can sell its products to solar distributors, engineering and design firms, energy product distributors, as well as to property developers and system integrators.

Now that we know Suntech Power has a product that is in high demand and it is focused in two areas that are booming right now; China and Solar energy, let's see if the numbers compare to Tom Brady's.

Annual Earnings Quarterly Earnings Quarterly Sales

2002 - -.01 Sep. 05 - .08 Sep. 05 - 56.6 Mil

2003 - .01 Dec.05 - .12 Dec.05 - 89 Mil

2004 - .13 Mar. 06 - .14 Mar. 06 - 89.9 Mil

2005 - .32 Jun.06 - .19 Jun.06 - 128.2 Mil

2006 - .77 Sep.06 - .21 Sep. 06 - 163 Mil

2007 - 1.02 est. Dec.06 - .23 Dec. 06 - 217.9 Mil

Mar. 07 - .20 Mar. 07 - 246.7 Mil

Jun. 07 - .29 Jun. 07 - 317.4 Mil

Suntech has Powerful products that are in demand, and now we can see that the numbers or statistics, or when looking at a stock, the fundamentals, are much like Tom Brady's. Every year and in every quarter we see solid improvements in Suntech Powers Annual earnings, quarterly earnings, and quarterly sales.

Now we have our new product or a product that is in high demand, we have fundamentals that are consistently increasing, but is Suntech Power an Industry leader? Yes, it is. If we look at the current leading industries for the Stock Market right now, on 12/04/07, according to the Investors Business Daily, Energy stocks are leading the way. Just as Tom Brady was leading in his Industry (quarterback), Suntech Power is leading in its Industry (Energy). When sports heroes and growth stocks show such superior numbers they become the envy of the league or stock market.

Tom Brady has shown his brilliance and has become the envy of the NFL. There is not a coach in the NFL that would not want Tom Brady playing Quarterback on their team. Alright, maybe a few would want that other superior growth stock named Peyton Manning. So now we must compare the NFL to the big institutional investors of the stock market. Just as every NFL team would want Tom Brady on their team because of his superior numbers and leadership, so would every big institutional investor want a growth stock like Suntech Power on their team. Why? Because of the superior numbers and leadership. What is nice about the stock market is we as investors can all share in Suntech Powers's great numbers and leadership. We can participate in owning part of Suntech Power as a company. Imagine if you owned 100 shares of Tom Brady or Peyton Manning or a new up and coming growth stock like Adrian Peterson of the Minnesota Vikings, you could easily begin building a nice nest egg for yourself.

Our greatest sports heroes have taught us how to persevere, how to be disciplined, how to lead, and how to have the heart of a champion, I just never new they could teach me how to invest. Understanding Tom Brady could very well help you become a growth stock investing superstar.


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