Saturday, October 2, 2010

Brady vs. Manning

Some people say that Peyton Manning is the best quarterback (QB) in the NFL, but Tom Brady only succeeds because it plays within the computer system of his. I would like to dispel the myth that Manning is the best Quarterback. We believe that there is no comparison between the two players. Brady is leaps and bounds ahead of Manning, skill, smarts, more experienced football and character.

Playing the system - this is the most absurd argument that I have never heard of. All players play in your computer system.Maybe Manning would do better in the playoffs if he stuck to his obvious equipo.Es Manning is easily nervous and not sure during playoff games system.

Manning lack confidence could not have been more evident than on Sunday. Manning languished as a dead weeds while he was pressed. Not had no answer for the defense of the Pittsburgh Steelers.Manning is supposed to be one of the largest QB each vez.Ahora is a joke. Do not even put me him in the top twenty five all-time.

On the other hand, Brady can play system, but he knows how to handle the pressure of playoff games. I've seen Tom Brady under defensive and again the pressure, and he seems to have the answer. I put Tom Brady in the top ten list of QB of all time.

Playoff Record - Manning is 3-6, Brady is 10-1.Manning never has hit Brady in fact playoffs.De, Brady seems increasingly to his opponent. So while Brady could play system, has found a way to simply Manning.

Manning was expected to go to the Super Bowl this year, but still not be has been able to manage a win in the playoffs.Manning had the advantage of cottage on the Steelers but looked dazed, confused and novice in the field.

Super Bowl - this is the most definitive statistics. Brady has won three Super Bowls.Peyton Manning has not won a Super Bowl. Up to Manning wins Super Bowl, I do not think it can be compared to Brady.Brady is a proven winner while Manning is a proven loser.

Character - Brady is far ahead of Manning in the Department of nature.Until Sunday, felt me Manning was, but then Manning blamed on the lack of protection for your pérdida.Eso meant that you blamed his offensive line.Can manning only play when he not facing any pressure?I think the answer is Yes.

Manning doesn't know how to play well when faced with a good defense.Lack you the character required to perform the work.When it acts as a small child fails and accuses his line ofensiva.Manning is a poor loser and does not deserve our respect.

Do not listen to Tom Brady blame their teammates after the loss of the sábado.Brady showed true carácter.Creo which you can return to the playoffs and have success. staffing on the other hand could make the playoffs, but I think that the necessary to win playoff games character lacks it.

If I had the choice of a Marshal field pick, I would choose Tom Brady.Peyton Manning even do my list corta.No believe that Manning has character or trust to lead a team to the Super Bowl.

Anthony B. is the founder and owner of news, politics and sports comment Web site.

Anthony has over 7 years of experience as a professional business


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